Zimbabwe Delimitation Report 2023 | Download

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is an Election Management Body
established in terms of Section 238 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Its main
function is to prepare for, conduct and supervise all elections and referendums
in Zimbabwe. In terms of Section 239 (f) of the Constitution, the Commission is
also given the function to delimit the country into electoral boundaries.

This report presents the wards and constituencies that were delimited by the
Commission in 2022. The wards and constituencies are presented by province,
each chapter highlights the number of constituencies that have been
delimited for the province and the names thereof, the number of wards that
have been delimited for each local authority in the province and the boundary
descriptions for the respective constituencies and wards. Provincial maps
depicting constituency and ward boundaries are also attached as Annexures
and form part of the delimitation report.

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